Sunday, January 31, 2010


SOOO..The grammy were hot and EMINEM stole the show. Best Rap Album, BEst collaboration and an awesome performance. He is definitely a legend and has had so many great grammy performances.

YOu know I was excited to see Drake and Little Wayne perform. I was screaming when Drizzy came on like a little school girl. LOL. I have loved him since he was on Degrassi.




This was at the MTV music awards, and was when Eminem was officially here. In the last decade, Eminem has helped to shape the rap world, and even though he stepped out for awhile, he is back, and will live on Forever, just like the song. I think that the Lil Wayne, Em, Drake and Kanye remix is great because there are so many different influences going into the music. However, I was not a fan of leaving the rock beat from the first song performed and carrying it into Forever during this years Grammy performance. It took away the feel of the song, and DRAKE. I feel like Forever was am AMAZING song when it was just Drake and Wayne, and it was only improved by Eminem and Kanye. I think that people have forgotten about it the original because the collaboration Forever Collaboration was amazing.

Follow up on Death by Organ Harvesting for Death Row Inmates

Death Row inmates are going to die. Currently they will die by lethal injection. Lethal injection ruins organs. One inmates body can save 12 people. THAT IS A LOT OF PEOPLE! I think that we should allow the inmates to decide how they would like to die. They can choose either organ harvesting, which is painless. Or they can choose lethal injection. By allowing them to choose, we eliminate any arguments that say that allowing organ harvesting from death row inmates would result in more inmates being sentenced to death row. I do not know if death row inmates would use this option, but I would rather allow my body to live on, than to be poisoned. There is a major SHORTAGE of organs, there is no need to contaminate the healthy organs of death row inmates.GIve them the CHOICE to Choose LIFE.

Check out the video I posted a couple days ago

A Flash Fiction Story by ME...Caitlin Thorpe

What are these beads, really? Are beads just cheap colored plastic tied together with string, or are the beads a symbol of greatness and status in the Mardi Gras world. By the way women act for them, I would have to side with the latter. I mean some beads are better than others. Red shiny hearts, blinking lights, alcohol logos, and beads with panties are sure to get the breasts a bouncin’. Some beads have huge balls the size of cantaloupes, but you know the men who have these big beads have the small balls. Those men will never drop the beads even if you flash a pair of perky C-cups.

From any balcony on Bourbon Street you will able to see an array of different people. One man directly across from your balcony looks like he has been celebrating since the beginning of Carnival. His body is laying in a combination of mud, piss and other bodily functions I am sure. His head is being supported by the mass amounts of beads around his neck that he collected on his voyage. The small beads, and large beads have created a kind of pillow around his head, so all he must do is layback, relax and enjoy the show from ground zero. I wonder where his friends are, and if he will be O.K, but I guess every man must fend for himself in the war zone of Bourbon.

If you look left down the road, you can see a fight breaking out. It is hard to tell what caused it, but I can almost guarantee that it is between two men, one who is angry at the other for making a drunken pass at his girlfriend. What can you expect though when the girlfriend is taking off her top to get the cheap beads? Excuse me, they were beads with a pair of boobs on them, totally worth the flash and the fight.

If you turn right you can see a mob of people that seem to be moving without any effort. The people are trapped in a vortex and some of them may be moving against there will. I’m not sure what causes this phenomenon, but enough people are trying to force their way down Bourbon in the same direction, that they begin to move as one. If I could scream down to the young girl in the yellow tanktop, laughing with her hand grenade, I would say, watch you wallet, but I can’t. I’m sure when the vortex spits her out, her wallet will be gone. At least that’s what happened to me. She should have left her cash in the car.
I save the best view for last. I look directly below me and see a crowd of women aged seventeen to sixty. I look to my right and left and see men with the huge balls, men with the small shitty beads, and men who are just spectating. I look back down below me, and I count ten, no twelve, pairs of boobs. I see an old blue haired grandma with breast that sag to her waist. She received a set of long pink pearl beads for her flashing effort. I see two women holding hands. One shows her double D’s off while the other modestly clings to her shirt. I respect that women for not conforming to the trend, and toss her my favorite beads from around my neck: ones with a giant crawfish. Next I see one woman who is being showered with beads. I wonder why, since she isn’t exposing herself, and then quickly realize that her shirt is just a mirage. He small boobs have huge, perfectly circular nipples that are acting as the eyes for a painting of an owl on her chest. Maybe she is a Chi O…I’m sure her sisters would be proud.

I remember when I was the young girl on the street exposing myself. My breasts were so perky that they almost hit me in the chin. My alveoli were ruby red, and my left nipple was pierced with a silver ring. That was the closer; I had the men going crazy, and all the best beads that the assholes now a days won’t dare to drop. It is a shame how quickly things can change. It is a shame that my breasts had to be removed, and my hair feel out during chemo. It is a shame that in this world, a woman who once had it all, can not even get the smallest of beads for exposing her breast nubs. It is shame that the girl with the perky C-cups walks away bead less and defeated, but if she only knew she had it all. Bead less will always be better than breast less.

Friday, January 29, 2010

I was just looking at and found this video. It is a good idea I think.

One more thing to bring people down

A website where your friends can tell you why you suck...LOVELY- HUFFINGTON POST

Hey World,
Do you think having a website where you can criticize your friends is a good idea? YOu would have an opportunity to argue your friends claims, but is this going to just cause more drama? I feel like it is. Women, especially, already are battling an unrealistic image that the media already trying to battle a false image

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

9-Year Old Boy Commits Suicide in School Bathroom

It breaks my heart to know that a 9 year old could be so broken as to kill himself. Suicide is something that is plaguing our youth, and that can not be overlooked. I remember thinking about it when I was younger, but knowing that it is so permanent. The cause of this young boys suicide is unknown, but there is a chance that it is due to bullying. I do not think that a 9 year old can really conceptualize what death is, and probably made a drastic decision that ended up being permanent. I think that it is very important to talk to kids about life and death, and the sanctity of life. I feel like it is also important to address suicide and make an open door policy for kids if they are feeling troubled.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What is the Point...if Kids Keep Getting Killed

Teen son of NYPD Detective Sean Lawrence slain near Brooklyn playground

"When I heard the shots I ran," said one 10-year-old boy. "That's what you're supposed to do."

What is the world coming too? People, especially children, should not have to fear the sunlight because some selfish people choose violence to settle their problems. It is even sadder that this occured on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. A day that is supposed to celebrate and commemorate a life that was devoted to equality and non violent passive resistances. I feel like MLK would be extremely disappointed in the progress that this country has made. He did not put everything on the line, for people to continue to hate and kill. I realize a lot of his activism was for racial equality, but I feel like he wanted a better place for all to live. He wanted a world were communication could solve problems, not guns. And anyways, the bullet that hit this poor boy did not solve ANY problems. The person who the bullet was intended for was not killed, and the conflict is still arising on the streets, which makes me fear that another innocent life will be lost. What is the point in living, if children have to live in fear? I am so thankful that gang violence has not played a direct role in my life, but am highly disturbed that it plays a role in so many youths lives. There has to be a better way.

Monday, January 25, 2010

My Man Obama

Huffington Post Article

Hello World,
How can everyone hate on this man when he has only been in office for a little over a year. How can people expect him to fix everything in so little time. It took the whole Bush Administration to build the problems, and they are going to take time to fix. The election is over and Obama is our president and people need to support him because hating him will only worsen the countries situation. It is sad the the republicans can not get behind our PRESIDENT and support his initiatives for change. There is nothing that anyone can change about the situation. People elected him and the political support is decreasing. Obamas approval rating is decreasing because things in this country are far worse than the public, and Obama, ever imagined. The Republicans have ridiculous expectations, that superman could not fulfill, and unless Obama does everything he set out to do in record time, the polls will continue to decrease. He is not God. We, the public, are ginny pigs fed by the media. We only hear partial facts and will never know the confidential things about our nation. Obama ran on a platform of change, but change is hard when so many people are against you. The executive, legislative and judicial branches will check each-other and that should be enough. Progress will not be made unless Republicans and Democrats can coexist to fix this mess. Obama ran on a platform for change, but Change takes TIME, and SUPPORT.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hello World

Hello World. My name is Caitlin Thorpe, and I am new the blogging world. However, I am not new to the internet. I love spending time on different websites, and seeing what is happening out in the world. I have a variety of interests...hip hop happenings, politics, writing, controversial topics in the media and others. Since I know some of you don't have the time to scout the internet, I will share with you what I found interesting. Sometimes I will share things that I think are cool...IDK who will read this, but I will write it, and maybe the world will love me.
Peace Caitlin