Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Legal Weed in Cali?

Pot Measure One Step Closer to California Ballot

700,000 signatures is more than was needed to place marijuana legalization on the June 24th ballot. I feel like people have a a right to make a personal choice about marijuana and that if people of legal age can drink, why not smoke? If there is a way to legalize, tax and regulate marijuana I do not know why the government does not jump on board. Our country is in the hole right now, and legalizing marijuana will create jobs, make a new market and could SAVE the United States. The war on pot is failing because more and more people are being arrested and more and more people are advocating for reform. 14 states have allowed medical marijuana which I think is the first step and the least we can do. People have the right to all options and if marijuana can help, then people should have access. The countries views are changing and the stigma tied to marijuana is crumbling because people are seeing that it does no more harm than alcohol and that it has a huge potential to do good. I recently read that marijuana has been used to help autistic children. I do not know much about autism, other than that it is very hard to treat and understand, but if marijuana can help these kids then they should have access.

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